
Amyna has a revolutionary technology that will change the face of cyber security. They wanted branding and positioning to match their potential and ambition – as well as attracting the next level of investment.

Brand strategyBrand identityDigital and technical

"Amyna have developed a best-in-class solution for one of the biggest threats to businesses today and Valiant have captured the quality of this solution and the essence of the business brilliantly."

Sarah Colvin. Strategic Consultant

Brand and positioning to match their potential

As the world of IoT grows, the associated security risks increase. Amyna’s unique innovation is designed to protect governments, utility providers and transport systems – which in turn affect every single one of us.

We were appointed to develop a new brand strategy to align with their commercial goals. This started with the immersive process to define their vision and values as well as shaping a stand-out positioning. With this strong foundation in place we created a sophisticated new visual identity. This reinvention has helped secure the next investment round.

Key results

  • Successfully captured and articulated their vision and values. This is powerful for both marketing and attracting the best new talent.
  • Created a unique and memorable brand identity to provide a competitive advantage
  • Converted a complex technical business description into a clear and compelling value proposition
  • Defined strong positioning and humanised the benefits of their technology.
  • Delivered impactful IM decks to attract next stage investment.
  • Captured their intelligent innovation through our creative approach.
Learn more about the project
Brand asset
Digital asset
Website Visual
Brand positioning

We delivered...


  • Market research
  • Competitor analysis
  • Workshops
  • Brand audit
  • Brand strategy
  • Brand positioning
  • Brand architecture
  • Digital strategy
  • Key messaging
  • Brand values
  • Tone of voice


  • Brand identity
  • Visual identity
  • Logo design
  • Website UX/UI design
  • Print design


  • Brand guidelines
  • Brand application
  • Launch campaign
  • Launch materials
  • Website development
  • E-marketing
  • Sales proposals
  • Marketing communications
  • Copywriting

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