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Six steps to integrate a purpose driven brand strategy.

Tina Keeble < 1 min read

Do you want to attract clients, motivate employees, foster loyalty and differentiate your organisation in a fiercely competitive market? Purpose-driven branding is not just a trend but a transformative strategy that holds the potential to unlock new levels of success.

Here’s our guide to help you implement one.

1. Define your purpose.

Have you got a clear and authentic definition of your purpose? Maybe you crafted something years ago which is no longer the reason you do what you do. Make it clear and authentic, ensure it aligns with your core values and resonates with your employees and target clients.

2. Integrate purpose into everything.

Make sure your purpose permeates every aspect of your business operations, from product development to marketing to employee engagement. Make it an intrinsic part of your corporate culture

3. Engage and educate your team.

Educate your employees about your purpose and involve them in establishing and implementing initiatives that support it. Engaged employees will become your most effective brand advocates

“A study by McKinsey shares that companies with a clear and communicated purpose experience a 25% improvement in employee satisfaction.” McKinsey & Company. View the article

4. Communicate authentically.

Be transparent and authentic in your communication about your purpose-driven initiatives. Keep it real. Business partners value honesty and sincerity.

68% of B2B buyers consider a supplier’s purpose when making purchasing decisions.” Edelman Trust Barometer 2020. View the article

5. Measure and showcase impact.

Quantify and demonstrate the impact of your purpose-driven initiatives. Share your achievements with your clients and continuously seek ways to improve.

6. Adapt and evolve.

Stay flexible and responsive to evolving societal and environmental issues internally and externally. Adapt your purpose-driven initiatives to remain relevant and effective.

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