Cookies & Legal


Company details

Registered office:
The Dairy Studios
Runfold St George
GU10 1PL

Registration numbers:
UK Company No. 4350393
VAT No. 791817004


Our company policies

Please use the links listed here to download PDF documents for each of our policies. If you would like any further information please let us know.

Quality Assurance

Equal Opportunities

Environmental Policy Statement

Health & Safety

Terms & Conditions of Service


Cookies we use

We use cookies to enhance the functionality, increase security, measure the performance and better understand how our visitors are using the website.


Google Analytics cookies

Example cookie names:


Google Analytics helps website and app owners to understand how their visitors engage with their properties. Cookies are used to collect information and report website usage statistics without personally identifying individual visitors to Google.


AddThis cookies

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AddThis is a sharing tool we use on our site – providing easy share links to social media and content sharing portals. These cookies are used to anonymously analyse user sharing actions and patterns.


WordPress cookies

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Our website is powered by the WordPress CMS, which uses cookies to set time and log sessions. No identifiable user information is stored bu WordPress cookies.


Wordfence cookies

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Wordfence is a security plugin for WordPress that monitors live traffic and take active measures to prevent malicious attacks. No uniquely identifiable individual user information is collected, but please note your IP address may be collected and checked against a list of known attack/malicious behaviour pattern sources.

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